For The Mind of a Trader!

by Raymond
(Florida, USA)

For The Mind of a Trader!

For The Mind of a Trader!

This month's theme is health improvement for traders by using the mind to achieve better success and health habits that will strengthen as well as support the mind.

Is The Mind Our Thoughts? Or Is There More To It?

Buddhism involves practicing mindfulness. It can be helpful to those who want to become more aware in their daily life. There have been many books written regarding mindfulness. Mindfulness is vital to becoming more relaxed and living in the present without stressing over the future. It involves all of the senses as you'll use your taste, touch, hear and smell to remain in the present.

Frequently, we become stressed over the "what-ifs" of the future or the "woebegone's" of the past. We fail to live where life is currently happening, in the present. All too soon we can forget about the present and become lost in thought.

Using mindfulness helps us to slow ourselves down and quiet our minds so that we have time to "stop and smell the roses." However, in order to fully appreciate this state of being, we must first learn to live in the present and allow ourselves to enjoy life where we're at in the here and now. This can be applied in every aspect of our lives. It can help us to lead a fuller and richer life that is much more satisfying and much less stressful.

It's also a great benefit to anyone who is struggling with an addiction whether it be a trading addiction, food addiction, or drugs and alcohol. Remaining in the present can help us to focus on what is going on around us at any given moment. It can aid in our digestion and how we deal with cravings of anything.

Recently, a pediatrician, Jan Chozen Bays, also the author of Mindful Eating, gave five beneficial steps for eating more mindfully.

1. Start with Gratitude. You'll find that if you start with gratitude, you'll have more grace. Consider those around you and how other life forms contribute to your meals as you sit down to eat.

2. Be kind to your stomach. Before you even serve yourself. Think about your stomach. How much food can you comfortably eat? Start with only 2/3 of this amount of food. Often, our eyes are bigger than our stomachs, and we tend to overfill our plates. If you really want more, go ahead, chances are, you won't.

3. Think about your bites of food as you take them. Savor the flavor. Take smaller sips of liquids and smaller bites of food. Close your eyes and enjoy how your food tastes, enjoy the flavor and the temperature of your food. Consider the texture. This will help you to consider what you're eating. About halfway through your meal take a few sips of water to refresh your palate.

4. Slow your pace of eating. It takes about 20 minutes to feel the effects of your food. Allow your food time to make it to your stomach. Chew each bite completely. Savor and repeat. Your brain will tell you when you're full so listen to it.

5. Feed the multitude. After you've eaten, consider your intestines. Thank them for digesting your food. Send them good wishes and thoughts. Support your mind and your body. Be thankful for your spirit.

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Moving on!
by: Jerromy

Learning about your own habits is more important than ever. Know your eating/trading skills and embrace them.

No time, why not!
by: Bob

People make excuses for not having the time to eat correctly. I agree with your points of using the time to focus on one's food instead of rushing out.

Thank you Raymond
by: Glen

Thank you for this tips. I appreciate you including gratitude and nutrition as part of a trading routine.

Great article
by: Joshua

Great article….nice steps too. As a trader i will definitely try these.

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